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Saturday, October 10, 2009

the phrase "October snow" should be an oxymoron

I hardly even got to enjoy my fall (best season EVER) and now there is snow on the ground. Snow = winter no matter what the calendar might say.

Yup, you read that right. I am going to check the date again, just to reassure myself...but nope, it still says it's October 10th.

It's kind of surreal to be watching brightly colored leaves fall in the snow. Kind of pretty at the same time...but I would much rather there not be snow on the ground. Makes it much more difficult to jump into a great big pile of leaves if there is cold, wet snow underneath. Even my guilty pleasure of being able to step on crunchy leaves is nonexistent since all of the leaves are wet and soggy.

Not to mention that it took a good five minutes for me to brush all the snow off my car this morning. Very uncool.

Mother Nature had better get this chilly chilly weather out of its system this year. Planning for an October wedding next year is now making me just the slightest bit nervous...between the rain, cold, and now snow picking a date in fall is seeming to be quite risky.


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